Editorial illustrations for To The Moon, media about the creator economy, and Web 3.0.

In the Guides section of the site, each article has a colorful header with an illustration. This is a fragment of the Guides feed:

It was preferable that the illustrations consisted of isolated objects or characters on solid backgrounds but sometimes this rule was intentionally disregarded for the sake of close-ups giving some variety.
A few guides cover a common subject explaining how a creator can make money on this or that platform, like Patreon or Telegram. The idea for the illustrations, in this case, was to naturally integrate the platform logos into a composition while not exploiting the direct meaning of a particular logo and/or the platform name. For example, this is the illustration for the article titled How to make money in Telegram:

Color options and the article cover with the illustration for the Sandbox:
![[Color options]](https://cdn.myportfolio.com/324b8e40-1d9a-489b-a6bb-a4b277f00f1f/9a27cb20-f65c-4ebf-81ab-0b5c71dce011_rw_600.gif?h=850c809c1c77a1fd9f0e2fd644c959b8)
[Color options]

6 Ways to make money in The Sandbox
Some of the illustrations reference popular culture, like this one for the article titled How to price my first NFT?

Making money in Mirror.xyz

How to make money in OnlyFans
This illustration for the guide titled How to sell artwork as NFT is an homage to Banksy's Girl with Balloon.

Illustrations for the articles about making money on Patreon, Snapchat and Discord, and about DAO:

How to make money in Patreon

7 ways to make money on Snapchat

What is DAO?

What is Discord?
Sketch vs. final illustration:
An example of the illustration usage on a guide page:

Mockup credit: mockupplanet.com
Illustrations for the articles:
- Making money with Bitcoin,
- Making money with Bitcoin,

How to make money with Bitcoin

How to make money in OpenSea

How to сonvert сrypto to сash

8 best apps to buy NFT

7 cheapest NFTs to Buy in 2022

Smart Contract
And here are the logos integrated into some of the illustrations above. Have you spotted all of them? 😉

Telegram, Decentraland, Mirror.xyz, OpenSea, Snapchat, Discord, OnlyFans, Patreon, Sandbox
To check out all To the Moon guides illustrated with my images, click here.